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SERVE DAY: May 18th

For May’s Living Works we will be working with North Whidbey Hearts and Hammers, we plan to work on the homes of 15 homeowners. Each worksite will have several different projects being performed, yard work, painting, building decks, replacing flooring, replacing windows, installing smoke detectors, and CO monitors and the list goes on and on. 

8:00 AM Meet at Living Word Foursquare Church: 490 NW Crosby Ave., Oak Harbor 

Grab a cup of coffee, juice, a donut, and meet your fellow team members and your House Captain.

8:30 Head out to your worksite

12:00 Sack lunches will be delivered to your worksite.

4:30 Wrap up and head back to Living Word

5:00 Join our board members, volunteers, House Captains, and homeowners for a celebratory dinner.

You will go home with a full belly and a warm heart, for you have done good things today.
